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IAEM Awards FAQ 2020: General Questions

1. What is the difference between IAEM Global Awards and IAEM-USA Council Awards? 

The USA Council awards are only for IAEM-USA members.   All council-level winners are eligible for IAEM Global Awards. A Global Award is selected only if there are winners selected for the same award in two or more Councils. If there are not two or more equivalent awards, then there is no Global level award.

2. Who can submit an entry form?

Anyone can submit an entry to nominate someone else for any of the award categories. Nominees must be a member of the respective council and eligible for the award.  Non-members who submit entries may be charged an administration fee of $75.00 per entry. The fee is applicable to entries submitted by people who are not active members of the IAEM, regardless of the nominee’s membership status.  (A member may submit an entry for a non-member at no charge.)

3. Where do I submit the entry forms?

Entry forms should be submitted to Rebecca Campbell at RCampbell@iaem.com by Tuesday, June 30, 2020, at 5:00 p.m. EDT.

4. Where is the main list of Awards and the resources to access all the entry forms?

Go to the IAEM website, and use this link to the see full list of award category.

5. Can I nominate myself?

There are no awards that allow self-nomination.

These awards are not for a person, so self-nominations do not apply:

  • USA Student Chapter of the Year
  • Global Business & Industry Preparedness Award
  • Global Partners in Preparedness Award
  • Global Public Awareness Award
  • Global Technology and Innovation Award

These awards do not allow self-nomination:

  • USA Career Excellence
  • Global Student of the Year
  • Global Student Ally of the Year
  • USA Student Chapter of the Year
  • USA Emergency Management Volunteer of the Year
  • USA Emergency Manager of the Year
  • USA Emergency Management Voluntary Organization of the Year
  • USA Uniformed Member of the Year Award
  • USA Civilian Emergency Manager of the Year Award
  • USA Auxiliary Emergency Manager of the Year
  • USA Clayton R. Christopher Memorial Award

6. Does a nominee need to be present to receive an award?

Awardees do not need to be present at the IAEM Annual Conference to win although they are strongly encouraged to participate in the conference. Recipients who received an award for a project, program, or innovation that others can take back home, adjust, and implement may be invited to participate on a workshop panel.

7. Can I nominate an individual or an organization for more than one award? 

Only one entry may be submitted per award category and a single activity or program should not be nominated in more than one award category.