Research to Practice Fact Sheets


Research to Practice: Fact Sheets for Emergency Managers

Introduction | Process | Categories | Disclaimer Statement
IAEM-USA Training & Education Committee web page


The IAEM-USA Training & Education Committee identified a need to review selected research and make it more easily available to emergency management practitioners. As a result, fact sheets are being created highlighting research projects with key take-a-way elements that local emergency managers may be able to use within their own communities. IAEM members and partners may create a fact sheet following a simple four-step process to include on the IAEM website. If you have questions, comments, or feedback on the fact sheet submission process please email USATrainingEducation@iaem.com.

We hope emergency managers across the world will benefit from the exemplary research being conducted in the field of emergency management to support local community resilience.

How Fact Sheets Are Created


Fact Sheet Categories

Click on the link of your choice below to see the fact sheets available in that category.

National Preparedness Goal Five Mission Areas:

Alignment with the FEMA Strategic Plan:

  • Culture of Preparedness
  • Financial Literacy
  • Continuity of Operations

The 12 sections identified in Critical Issues in Disaster Science and Management: A Dialogue Between Researchers and Practitioners:

Interested in Becoming a Fact Sheet Reviewer?

We need you to help us review and approve submitted Research to Practice Fact Sheets! Fact Sheet Reviews not only count towards a Certified Emergency Manager® (CEM) professional contribution, but you make a valuable contribution to the field of emergency management and its future!

Find out more on how to be a Fact Sheet Reviewer.

Disclaimer Statement

This article summary is solely for informational purposes. As such, the content of this document does not reflect any official positions, policies, or guidelines on behalf of the sender, the International Association of Emergency Managers, the National Education Training Center (the U.S. Fire Administration, and the FEMA Emergency Management Institute), FEMA, Department of Homeland Security, nor any other Federal agencies, departments, or partnering entities. This article summary does not represent in any manner an official endorsement, or relationship to any private or public companies, organizations /associations, or with regard to any authors or individuals cited or web sites associated within the document.

Introduction | Process | Categories | Disclaimer Statement
IAEM-USA Training & Education Committee web page