IAEM-Oceania Council News


  • Notice of IAEM-Oceania AGM.
    The Annual General Meeting of Oceania Council will be held on Tuesday, Dec. 5, 2023. Download the notice for details
  • IAEM-Oceania is holding and election for Council President and Secretary. The nomination period will be from Oct. 16-Oct. 30, 2023. Download the notice for details. You will be prompted to log in as an IAEM member to download the notice. The voting period in this election will be Nov. 6-Nov. 20, 2023.


  • IAEM-Oceania is holding an election for Council Vice President and Treasurer. The nomination period will be from Oct. 17-Oct. 31, 2022. Download the notice for details. You will be prompted to log-in as an IAEM member to download the notice. The voting period in this election will be Nov. 7-Nov. 21, 2022.



  • Notice of IAEM-Oceania Officers Election and AGM (26 Oct 2020) 
    • The Annual General Meeting of Oceania Council will be held on Tuesday, Dec. 10, 2020. Details will follow.
    • IAEM-Oceania is holding an election for Council Vice President and Treasurer. The nomination period will be from Oct. 26-Nov. 9, 2020. Download the notice for details. You will be prompted to log-in as an IAEM member to download the notice.
    • The voting period in this election will be Nov. 16-Nov. 30, 2020.


  • IAEM-Oceania AGM Agenda (20 Nov 2019) This document, which is member password-protected, includes access to the AGM via GoToWebinar.
  • Don't miss the free download of the March 2019 IAEM Bulletin issue on mentors (20 Mar 2019) The members-only IAEM Bulletin special focus issue honoring mentors has been published, and it is available to the public. The March issue on “Honor the Past, The People We Remember,” has been selected as IAEM’s current “sample issue” and is downloadable from the IAEM Bulletin web page. If you are not a member of IAEM, this issue will let you know what you’re missing. IAEM also wanted to further honor mentors by sharing the articles about them with a broader audience of emergency management professionals. Please share this issue with others. The IAEM Editorial Work Group will consider articles about the person who made the most difference in your EM career in future issues of the IAEM Bulletin. Contact Karen Thompson, editor, with any questions at Thompson@iaem.com.


Update to IAEM-Oceania AGM: The IAEM-Oceania AGM has been rescheduled to Dec. 18, 2018

Download: Updated AGM Information Notice with Proxy Voting Form 
If you cannot attend the meeting in person or by dialling in, your vote can be passed onto another person who will be in attendance. Please note the times in the Notice for the Proxy Forms to be returned to the Secretary.

The AGM for IAEM Oceania scheduled for 28 November 2018 has been rescheduled due to time zone uncertainties and call-in issues. The new AGM Date is scheduled for Tuesday 18 December using the same call-in number:

  • Australia 03 9674 3889

  • International +3 9674 3889

No PIN is required.

The time zone times are as follows:

Canberra, Australia* AEDT (UTC +11) Tue, 18 Dec 2018 6:00 pm
Adelaide, Australia* ACDT (UTC +10:30) Tue, 18 Dec 2018 5:30 pm
Brisbane, Australia AEST (UTC +10) Tue, 18 Dec 2018 5:00 pm
Perth, Australia AWST (UTC +8) Tue, 18 Dec 2018 3:00 pm

Wellington, New Zealand* NZDT (UTC +13) Tue, 18 Dec 2018 8:00 pm
Christchurch, New Zealand* NZDT (UTC +13) Tue, 18 Dec 2018 8:00 pm

UTC Tuesday, 18 Dec 2018 07:00

Log-in as an IAEM member for complete details of the Dec. 18 IAEM-Oceania AGM. Details will be posted as they become available.

  • Better Responses to Natural Disasters and Other Emergencies - NZ Ministerial Review Released (22 Jan 2018) In 2017 a Ministerial Review intended to ensure NZ’s ER capabilities and framework is well placed for meeting future needs took place. This review has now been released by Civil Defence Minister the Honourable Mr. Kris Faafoi. Download the report here. While only having direct implications for New Zealand emergency management it still has some pertinent content that could be drawn on to help all future focused emergency managers, irrespective of jurisdiction, review their framework and capability needs. IAEM Oceania provided a submission regarding professionalisation of the sector, and this has been carried through to the content of the report. Clinton Naude, supported by Kristin Hoskin, led the effort to prepare this submission. Congratulations to Clinton, and all those that contributed in preparing the Oceania, and other submissions.


  • Advance Notice to Members: IAEM-Oceania AGM will take place on Nov. 8, 2017 (posted 19 July 2017)

Please be advised that due to unforeseen circumstances the venue for the IAEM Oceania AGM
is not at Surf House, and has been changed to the following address:

IAEM Oceania AGM

Function Room
The Capitol Apartments & South Central
35 Peel Street, South Brisbane, QLD 4101

The call in number remains the same.

Telephone Conference Details
DIAL: 1800 672 949
ACCESS CODE: 752 665 850 136

18:00 (AEST) for 18:30 (AEST) Start of Meeting Time:
Wednesday, 8th November, 2017

  • Call for IAEM-Oceania Officer Nominations (24 Oct 2017) An election is being held for the positions of IAEM-Oceania President and Secretary, who will serve for a term of office of two years. Election Documents: Call for Nominations

    Note Regarding Oct. 24 Posting: Please note the changes to the dates in this amended call for nominations. Oceania Council apologise for any inconvenience, however the slight delay in the first published dates has been put in place to ensure that all members were able to be notified by email as well as via this news page. This slight delay ensures that as many people as possible have the opportunity to nominate for these key roles in the Council.

    Election Schedule:
    • Nominations are being accepted from Wednesday, Oct. 25, 2017 through 5:00 p.m. Australian Eastern time on Wednesday Nov. 8, 2017 (a two-week nomination period).
    • There will be one week in between nominations closing and voting commencing to allow IAEM-Global to verify candidate eligibility and set up the online voting area web page and online ballot (for a total of 5 weeks from start to finish).
    • Voting will commence on Monday Nov. 13, 2017, 9.00 a.m. Eastern Standard Time (US). Voting will end on Monday Nov 27, 2017, 5.00 p.m. (US) (a two-week voting period)

    Please Note:
    An online ballot is part of the IAEM Global membership database system. This makes it possible to only allow eligible voters to access the ballot. It also provides confidentiality to voters. If your details are not up to date on the IAEM Data Base of members, please log in and update your details.

    Information for prospective candidates:
    Please note that the Oceania Bylaws & APPs are located on the following web page where the Council Bylaws are posted, I encourage you to read the Bylaws so that you are aware of what each officer position entails. Here is the link for the Oceania Bylaws web page: http://www.iaem.com/page.cfm?p=council/oceania/bylaws-apps

    All candidates for IAEM-Oceania Council officer positions must meet the following eligibility requirements:
    (1) must have been an Individual member in good standing for a minimum of two continuous years prior to seeking office;
    (2) must be a current IAEM member in good standing with dues paid; and
    (3) must be residing in the geographic area of IAEM-Oceania Council;
    (4) must be 18 years or over and entitled to vote in a general meeting (Section 49).

    Only IAEM-Oceania Council Individual members can run for office in this election, and only IAEM-Oceania Council Individual, Affiliate, and Life members can vote in this election. Please note that IAEM-Oceania Student members cannot vote in this election, as they vote for their own officers in the IAEM-Oceania Student Region officer elections.

    An eligible member of the Association may
    (a) Nominate himself or herself; or
    (b) With the member’s consent, be nominated by another member.

    You have several choices about who can accept IAEM Oceania Council’s officer nominations:
    • Kristin Hoskin (IAEM-Oceania Vice President) at kjh@rediguana.co.nz
    • OR to Karen Thompson, IAEM Election Facilitator at Thompson@iaem.com.

    We need the following information from the candidates, and all of it must be provided via email by Wednesday, Nov. 8, 2017, 5:00 p.m. Eastern time.
    • candidate statement (700 word limit. The candidate statements must be provided in Word or text format.);
    • complete contact information of candidate; and
    • contemporary photo of candidate (a digital photo as an image attachment to their nomination email (such as PNG, JPG, TIF, GIF).

L-R: Civil Defence and Emergency Management staff (Canterbury CDEM Group Controller Neville Reilly, MCDEM Emergency Management Advisor John Lovell, Canterbury CDEM Community Resilience Coordinator Jessica Petersen, and Christchurch City CDEM Planning Coordinator Anita Walker were available to answer any questions the public had about the EOC during the opening day of the Christchurch Justice & Emergency Services Precinct, Sept. 12, 2017.

The new Precinct building in Christchurch, New Zealand, Sept. 12, 2017.
Photos: © Kristin Hoskin, 2017

Around 14,000 people visited during opening day at the Christchurch Justice & Emergency Services Precinct, on Sept. 12, 2017. 

Another view of the new Precinct building in Christchurch. 

  •  IAEM-Oceania Co-Hosts Inaugural IAEM-BCI Dinner Forum (31 July 2017) IAEM members living and working in South Australia, Australia, have kicked off a new initiative in their part of the world. On July 27, 2017, the inaugural IAEM/BCI Dinner Forum was held at the West Adelaide Football Club. Local IAEM members Brian Holecek, OAM, CEM; Brian Mattner, OAM, CEM; Russell Dippy, CSTJ. CEM; and Nick DeRozario, CEM, joined with the South Australian BCI (Business Continuity Institute) group to co-host the event. Ninety guests attended the dinner forum, where they heard from Malcolm Jackson, the chief executive of the South Australian Fire & Emergency Services Commission (SAFECOM), who spoke on some of the 62 Recommendations that were identified in the Independent Review of the Extreme Weather event that caused an entire state-wide electrical blackout in South Australia. This event was unprecedented in Australia’s history, as the state was required to respond to the severe weather event, as well as having to do so without mains power and the additional fallout that the loss of power caused. Attendees included representatives from the state’s emergency services, Environmental Protection Agency, Department of Premier & Cabinet, insurance industry, South Australia Health, and local government. Russell Dippy, CStJ, CEM, IAEM-Oceania Treasurer, provided the group with a brief overview of IAEM, which has led to a number of membership enquiries. Due to the success of the inaugural forum, an ongoing schedule of events is now in the planning phase.
  • IAEM-Oceania Awards Presented at the New Zealand National EM Conference (31 July 2017) The 2017 New Zealand National Emergency Management Conference, held July 7-8, 2017, in Wellington, New Zealand, included a workshop on IAEM and CEM that was attended by approximately 35 people. The theme of the conference was "The Future of Emergency Management: Making it Happen." Speakers included a range of knowledgeable and experienced leaders, including: Sir Mark Solomon, Ngai Tahu; Gilbert Enoka, all Blacks Mental Skills coach; Craig Fugate, past FEMA administrator; and Rob Jamieson, Orion CEO. The 2016 IAEM-Oceania Awards were presented at the conference dinner, as were the 2017 Ministerial Awards and Directors Awards. Kristin Hoskin, CEM, IAEM-Oceania vice president, delivered a presentation on IAEM, and Clinton Naude, CEM, IAEM New Zealand national representative, was the master of ceremonies for the IAEM-Oceania 2016 Awards Presentation.
  • Australia Certification Exam Update (08 Feb 2017) The Australia certification exam is currently being updated. Until further notice, all Australia candidates will take the International exam and therefore should only study references from the "recommended publications" list.