AEM/CEM Mentoring & Representation

Mentoring Guidelines | Find a Certification Mentor | Representational Guidelines

Mentoring Guidelines

The Certification Commission encourages mentoring of applicants by current CEMs. The best service a mentor can provide is to emphasize the process of being an emergency management professional, as well as the product of becoming a AEM/CEM. This can be done by encouraging professional development, which will result in meeting the qualifications to be a AEM/CEM.

For example, a mentor might let an applicant know about upcoming training opportunities, or helping them become involved in groups or programs which could result in their being able to document "contributions." Technical assistance could include helping an applicant document their training courses or assemble and organize their packets.

It would not be appropriate for a mentor to pre-approve packets. Mentors must make clear to the applicant that their suggestions do not guarantee approval of their credentials. Any Certification Commissioner who reviews an applicant’s credentials prior to official submission must excuse themselves from the review process when it comes before the full Certification Commission.

Those interested in mentoring should complete the Mentoring Approval Request Form.


Find a Certification Mentor

The Certification Commission encourages mentoring of applicants by current CEMs. The CEMs provided on the searchable Find a Mentor database are Featured Mentors. You can search and find a person who is close in proximity to your location or your employment description. Applicants for certification also may choose CEMs not on this list to be their mentor. All new mentoring relationships should begin with the mentor completing the Mentoring Approval Request Form.


Representational Guidelines

Help us spread the buzz about the AEM/CEM! Individuals interested in presenting on the AEM/CEM Program should review the requirements outlined below and submit a Representation Approval Request Form.

  • Speakers must make clear that their comments do not necessarily represent official positions or policies of IAEM unless stated otherwise (such as conveying actual certification requirements).
  • The use of the IAEM Certification Overview Presentation is encouraged. The current version is available in the Certification Resource Center under Additional IAEM Resources.
  • Speakers must present a professional appearance and behavior while representing IAEM. Association logo-wear is available.
  • See the IAEM Code of Ethics and the CEM/AEM Professional Code of Conduct for more details.
  • Download Representation Approval Request Form.
  • Volunteers are reminded that the certification content is the intellectual property of IAEM-USA.
  • Mentoring opportunities and arranging certification program overviews are conducted on an approved volunteer basis. IAEM Headquarters can arrange for authorized delivery of the Certification Preparatory Course workshop.

Helpful Tip: Contact IAEM Headquarters in advance, and request copies of the AEM/CEM Brochure to provide as a take-away for your audience. In a pinch, you can download and print the IAEM Certification Brochure


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