Member Benefits

Member Benefits

  • Access to the largest network of top emergency management experts who can offer solutions, guidance and assistance.
  • Certification in the only internationally-recognized program for emergency managers. The Certified Emergency Manager (CEM®) and Associate Emergency Manager (AEM®) programs can enhance your career and salary, raise and maintain professional standards and certifies achievements of emergency professionals. IAEM members receive discounted certification fees.
    IAEM Bulletin monthly newsletter for members only
  • Representation on government working groups addressing vital issues such as terrorism preparedness, emergency management program standards, communications, disaster assistance delivery and others.
  • A unified voice to educate decision-makers about the impact of policies and legislation on emergency management services.
  • Information updates via the IAEM Bulletin, a members-only monthly newsletter that is the definitive source for current emergency management issues and trends, and the IAEM Dispatch, a weekly news brief providing worldwide emergency management news, professional resources, and updates on IAEM events and services.
  • Conferences and workshops to enhance networking and educational opportunities. Our Annual Conference and Exhibit is developed by members and offers information on current emergency management issue. Regional conferences give members the chance to exchange information with colleagues closer to home.
  • Webinars that provide educational benefits (only members may access recordings posted following the event).IAEM Dispatch weekly e-newsletter
  • www.IAEM.org is the portal to the world of emergency management. The IAEM website offers discussion groups and a wealth of other professional tools.
  • The IAEM Jobs Board provides opportunities to learn about professional job opportunities in emergency management.
  • Partner through IAEM's network with a wide variety of state, national and international organizations to help achieve mutual goals and to further the emergency management profession.
  • The opportunity for members to build their professional network of colleagues, as they become involved in the work of IAEM Councils, regions, student chapters, or committees, caucuses and work groups.
  • Professional recognition of programs, projects and individuals through the IAEM Awards Competition. IAEM Jobs Board
  • Scholarship opportunities for students working toward degrees in emergency management, disaster management or related fields of study.
  • Professional development through in-person meetings, networking, continuing education and training opportunities.

Why I Am a Member of IAEM

"I’ll begin by sharing my story. In 2003, I accepted an emergency manager position with a county in Georgia. Later that same year, I attended my first IAEM Annual Conference in Dallas, Texas. It was huge! It was not difficult to recognize the value of the stellar training and top-notch speakers. I left the conference, excited and encouraged, feeling that I was a part of something exceptional. I wanted to “get to know” the experienced, knowledgeable professionals that were IAEM members. During the next couple of years, I met more and more members and became active in IAEM-USA Region 4.

"My county experienced what was dubbed as a 10,000-year flood. During this event, my phone did not stop ringing with offers of guidance and assistance from some of the greatest emergency managers in our field – all because I met them through IAEM. I have met many others who have greatly supported, challenged and influenced me. Several were instrumental as I broadened my professional experience in the emergency management field. Every position that I have held since my time with local government, I have obtained directly or indirectly through my connections at IAEM – including my current adjunct teaching roles and position as the Georgia divisional director for The Salvation Army Emergency Disaster Services. – Lanita Lloyd, MS, CEM, IAEM-USA President (excerpt from article in July 2017 IAEM Bulletin)

AEM® and CEM® are registered trademarks of the International Association of Emergency Managers.