Live Video Poster Presentation Session on Tuesday, November 17th from 2:30pm – 3:30pm ET

Come view your peers research, practice or general findings and expand your knowledge of the emergency management field during a dedicated live event. Participants will be available in live video conference rooms to discuss their research and answer questions.  

PLUS, some of our IAEM-USA Caucus and Committee Chairs have created a poster to showcase their work over the past year. Come talk to these chairs and expand your career by getting involved in IAEM.


Name Recognition Title
Amber Liggett, Public Information Officer, Millersville University, PA Dep’t. of Health Gold Expert Judgment Versus Yours:  Understanding Local Flood Risk Perceptions
Morgan Turner, MA, Watch Officer, Arlington County, VA Gold Analysis of Current Text-to-911 Systems Usage in the Northern Virginia Area
Holly Cuthbertson, Self Employed Consultant Silver Motivations for California Mask Maskers during the Novel Coronavirus Outbreak
Marco DeVito, EMT, MA, Firefighter Paramedic, Hillside Fire Department Silver Training Standards for Public Safety sUAS Pilots
Mollee Dworkin, MS, Environmental Scientist, Delaware Division of Public Health, Office of Preparedness Silver Developing Recovery and Hazmat Plans from a Public Health Perspective
Roni Fraser, MA, Graduate Student, Dept. of Sociology and Criminal Justice, University of Delaware Silver Raising the Beer Flag: Bonding and Bridging Social Capital Among Disaster Response Volunteers as Protective Factors Against the Post-Deployment Blues
Julian LoRusso, MS, Graduate Student, Emergency Management, University of New Haven Silver Emergency Management Plan to Improve Resilience in the Transportation Sector to an EMP Attack
Julie Malingowski, MS, Emergency Response Meteorologist, National Weather Service Silver The Future of the National Weather Service Today
Jae Park, Ph.D., CFPM, Associate VP, Disaster Resilience and Mitigation, AECOM Silver Disaster Resilience Indicators, Floyd-Matthew Mitigation, NC
Michael Rega, MS, Student, College of Justice and Safety, Eastern Kentucky University Silver Predicting Disaster Causing Hurricanes
Dale Viola, Federal Grants / Emergency Mgt. Consultant, Stuart Consulting Group, Inc Silver Arithmetic Analysis of Remotely Sensed Elevation Surfaces with Novel Applications for Disaster Sedimentation Cost Recovery
Mary Ann Swendsen, CEM, MS, Scientific & Technical Intelligence Liaison Officer, S&T Lead, DoD/Naval Warfare Systems Command & Naval Information Warfare Center Pacific Silver Enhancing Communications & Information Sharing from Research to Engineering
Juhina Al Shamsi, Administrative Coordinator, Yahya Construction LLC Bronze Evolution of Building Resilience in a Timeline of 11 Years: a Holistic Practice of Oman Healthcare Sector during Catastrophic Cyclones
Lourrinda Renee, CEM, Ph.D., Ed.D. Owner, Lourrinda Enterprises LLC Bronze Elements of Safety Climate Leadership
Name Title
William Aydlett, Senior Meteorologist, NOAA National Weather Service Developing a Noteworthy Fire Weather Program for NWS Guam, Guam Fire Department and Guam's Forestry Agency
Zachary Dixon, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Dept. of Humanities and Communication Clarifying The Heuristics Of Roadway Closures In Tropical Cyclone Evacuations
Kevin Muszynski, Project Manager, Support Services, Emergency Preparedness, Pomona Valley Hospital Medical Center Integrating Access and Functional Needs into Hospital Emergency Management Planning - A Comprehensive Disaster Risk Assessment
Rachel Slotter, Graduate Research Assistant, University of Delaware The Impacts of Post-Disaster Food Insecurity for Responding Organizations
Darrell Small, CEM, Emergency Management Specialist, Booz Allen Hamilton Be Prepared and Ready for a ìSecond Waveî of the Coronavirus
Anne Marie McLauglin IAEM-USA Access & Inclusion Caucus
Heather Beal, CEM,  Chair IAEM-USA Children and Disaster Caucus
Rob Dale, Chair IAEM-USA Climate, Water & Weather Caucus
Mike Gavin, Chair IAEM-USA Conference Committee
Kimberly Cunningham, CEM, Chair IAEM-USA Critical Infrastructure and Continuity Caucus
Duane Hagelgans, Chair IAEM-USA Training & Education Committee
Kristi Rollwagen, Vice Chair IAEM-USA Transportation Ad Hoc Committee


Contact Us

IAEM Headquarters

201 Park Washington Ct,
Falls Church, VA 22046

Dates and Locations

Dates and Locations of Future IAEM Annual Conferences:

Nov. 14 – 20, 2025*
 Louisville, KY

 Nov. 13 – 18, 2026*
 Long Beach, CA

 Nov. 12 – 18, 2027*
Colorado Springs, CO

 Nov. 10 – 16, 2028*
Savannah, GA

*The core program dates are Sunday-Wednesday, with additional Friday-Saturday and Thursday-Friday pre- and post-conference training and other options.

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